Phylogenetic Relationship of Yellowtail Scad (Atule mate) in the Persian Gulf and Oman Sea Using Cytochrome Oxidase I Gene
Subject Areas : Journal of Animal BiologyMahzad Shakouri 1 , Pargol Ghavam Mostafavi 2 , Mohammad Pourkazemi 3 , Seyyed Mohammadreza Fatemi 4
1 - Department of Marine Science ,Faculty Of Natural Resources and Environment , Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Marine Science ,Faculty Of Natural Resources and Environment , Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
3 - Affiliated member of University of Guilan, the Caspian Sea Water Basin Institute, Rasht, Iran
4 - Affiliated member of University of Guilan, the Caspian Sea Water Basin Institute, Rasht, Iran
Keywords: phylogeny, polymerase chain reaction, Persian Gulf and Oman Sea, COI, Yellowtail Scad,
Abstract :
Genetic analysis of fish populations is essential for conserving biodiversity and increasing knowledge about the survival of species, and finding the factors threatening or contributing to the survival of these populations. The present study is aimed at investigating phylogenetic relationship of Yellowtail Scad in the northern Persian Gulf and Oman Sea by sequencing mitochondrial Cytochrome Oxidase I gene. Ninety yellow tail Scad have been collected from Bandar Abbas, Bushehr, and Chabahar port. Genomic DNA was extracted using Ammonium acetate method. After electrophoresis on 1% agarose gel, Cytochrome Oxidase I (COI) gene was amplified by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), using pair of primers. After sequencing of PCR product, the phylogenetic tree was drawn by MEGA7 software with different methods (Maximum Likelihood, Maximum Parsimony, and Bayesian) using (Esox lucius) as an extraspecific group. All samples from Bandar Abbas, Bushehr, and three samples from Chabahar port were located in the same clade. Chabahar sample with a little more distance was located in separate clade and due to high supportive degree (bootstrap) showed sister group relationship. Moreover, these two clades were located with more evolutionary distance from extraspecific group. Consequently, COI gene sequencing was an appropriate and reliable method for phylogenetic relationship of Yellowtail Scad, providing useful information about protection and management of this valuable species.
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