Identifying the factors influencing the realization of sustainability principles in contemporary green spaces with an emphasis on the Iranian garden model (case study: Tabriz metropolis)
Subject Areas : Architecture and urbanization
Malek Rashidi
مهروش کاظمی شیشوان
Elham Hatami Golzari
Amir Haghjo
1 - Ph.D. Student, Department of Architecture, Shabestar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shabestar, Iran
2 - گروه معماری ،واحدشبستر،دانشگاه ازاد اسلامی ،شبستر،ایران.
3 - Assistant Professor Department of Architecture, Sardroud Center, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran.
4 - Assistant Professor Department of Architecture, Shabestar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shabestar, Iran
Keywords: Environmental sustainability, architecture, phenomenology, Iranian gardens ,
Abstract :
Introduction: The Iranian garden forms an interconnected and multi-level system of structure, function, meaning, feeling, climate, space, place and habitat in a specific cultural context and is considered a perfect example of sustainability. Research aim: Considering the proper design of Iranian garden from the point of view of sustainability components, the present research was written with the aim of identifying the influencing components on the realization of the principles of sustainability in urban green spaces with emphasis on the Iranian garden model in Tabriz metropolis. Methodology: The research method in the present study is mixed (quantitative-qualitative) with practical purpose and analytical-exploratory nature, in order to analyze the information, partial least squares model was used in Warp-pls software. Also, the statistical population of the research includes elites in the field of architecture, and the sample size is 100 people based on Cohen's method. Studied Areas: The geographical scope of the current research includes Tabriz metropolis and its green spaces. Results: The findings of the research show that the 5 components of environmental sustainability, social sustainability, aesthetics, identity and meaning and economic sustainability are among the components that influence the realization of the principles of sustainability of contemporary green spaces with an emphasis on the Iranian garden model, for which the coefficients extracted from the structural model are 0.54, 0.51, 0.46, 0.43 and 0.39. Also, among the sub-variables, the most effective related to the variables of vegetation in balance with the local climate, emphasizing the protection and safety of users, emphasizing the appropriate landscape and benefiting from various traditional symbols and signs. Conclusion: The results show that the principles of sustainability in Iranian gardens are largely in line with the theories of the development of contemporary urban green spaces, and it is possible to design desirable green spaces in Tabriz metropolis by applying these principles.
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