Investigating of Technology Transfer as the Entering Motivation to International Technological Strategic Alliances in Oil Industry
Subject Areas : Strategic Management Researcheszohre khosravilaghab 1 , Habibollah Salarzehi 2 , Abdolmajid Mosleh 3 , Noormohammad Yaghoobi 4 , Mani Arman 5
1 - Ph.D Student, Human Resource Management, Sistan and Baluchestan University
2 - Associate Professor, Governmental Management Administration, Sistan and Baluchestan University
3 - Associate Professor, Business Management Administration, Persian Gulf University
4 - Professor, Governmental Management Administration, Sistan and Baluchestan University
5 - Assistant Professor, Business Management Administration, Persian Gulf University
Keywords: Oil Industry, Technology Transfer, International Technological Strategic Alliance,
Abstract :
Today, with the advancement of science and the complexity of the process of doing things, technology transfer has become one of the most important and significant categories in the developing countries. The oil industry is one of the most important industries in our country, which has always faced the challenge of technology transfer, and can use its strategic alliance to complete its domestic technological efforts. Therefore, this research attempts to examine the role of technology transfer as an incentive to enter the technological strategic alliance. In this research, after studying the literature and using the library method, the subject matter has been studied; Subsequently, using the qualitative approach and interviewing the experts, the concepts and categories affecting the transfer of technology as an incentive to enter the alliances have been addressed. One of the key issues in this regard is the acquisition of technology that has resulted from the concepts of technological learning, technological capability, the use of complementary technologies and access to technology. Another identified category is the adaptation to change which is derived from the concept of response to technological change. The third identified category in technology transfer is the management of the technology development process which incorporates concepts of cost-effective technology savings, access to international technological markets, and competitive and technological advantage. Finally, the category of technology utilization derived from the concepts of the use of the latest technological innovations, the sharing of technological resources, and the promotion of innovation and creativity of the company. It is suggested that organizations, using these identified concepts, and step forward to enter the technological strategic alliances.
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