Assessing the adaptability of rice genotypes through GGE Biplot for farmland grabbing in some Central and West Asian countries
Subject Areas :
Hosein Rahim Soroush
Abbas Shahdi Kumleh
Alireza Tarang
Maryam Hosseini Chaleshtori
Mehrzad Allahgholipour
Alireza Haghighi Hasanalideh
1 - Research Assistant Professor, Rice Research Institute of Iran, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Raht, Iran.
2 - Research Assistant professor, Rice Research Institute of Iran, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Rasht, Iran.
3 - Research Assistant professor, Rice Research Institute of Iran, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Tehran, Iran.
4 - Research Assistant professor, Rice Research Institute of Iran, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Rasht, Iran.
5 - Research Assistant professor, Rice Research Institute of Iran, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Rasht, Iran.
6 - Expert of Central and West Asian Rice Center (CWARice), Rasht, Iran.
Keywords: Stability, Rice, Adaptability, Biplot,
Abstract :
In order to evaluate the adaptability, yield and some important agronomic and qualitative traits of rice, this study was carried out with 14 rice genotypes, including 12 rice lines and varieties from Rice Research Institute of Iran along with a regional (Khazar) and a local (Hashemi, Esteghlal, Yasmin and Osmancik) check in paddy areas of Iran, Azerbaijan, Turkey and Iraq as the first regional project for Central and West Asian countries under a research program entitled “Establishing a Multi-location Evaluation and Research Network for Genetic Enhancement in Central and West Asia (EMERGE-CWA)”. The experimental design was a randomized complete block design with three replications. Simple and combined analysis of variance, comparison means of traits and stability analysis through GGE Biplot was conducted. Stability analysis results for yield based on compound analysis in three regions of Turkey, Iraq and Iran by GGE Biplot method revealed that the most stable genotypes are Gohar, Dorfak, 184104-34, 184104-11, 18333-12 and 18425-20, respectively. These genotypes had higher yield than average. This research resulted in selecting line 18426-56-3 in Turkey, Shiroodi and Dorfak varieties in Iraq, five promising line including 18425-20, 18436-56-3, 184104-34, 184104-11 and 18433-12 in Iran as the genotypes with high and intermediate yield and desirable agronomic and grain quality characteristics. These genotypes would be utilized in advanced trials of various rice breeding programs to release directly as new varieties.