Explaining the Lifestyle of Iranian Diaspora Living in British Columbia, Canada, with an Emphasis on Berry's Model of Acculturation
Pourandokht Taghaddosi
Nader Mohaghegh
Esmaeil kavousi
1 - Ph.D. in cultural management and planning at Islamic Azad University North Tehran Branch
2 - Assistant Professor and faculty member at Islamic Azad University
3 - Professor at Islamic Azad University North Tehran Branch
Keywords: lifestyle, British Columbia, Diaspora,
Abstract :
Diaspora refers to the movement, migration or dispersal of people outside the homeland for any reason in more than one place. They are a part of the people who live outside their country. Diasporas react differently by settling in the host society and facing a new culture. Therefore, they will have a different approach to the concept of acculturation and change of lifestyle. This study was conducted to explain the lifestyle of the Iranian diaspora living in the province of British Columbia based on Berry's acculturation model. The research method is sequential-explanatory design. The first stage was quantitative (questionnaire), and the second stage was qualitative (interview). The statistical population for this study included Iranian immigrants living in this province in 2018 (371616 people). The sample population is estimated to be 380, according to Cochran's formula. To select the studied samples in the first and second stages, the researcher used Non-probability Sampling methods of Purposive Sampling and Snowball Sampling. The validity and reliability of the measuring instrument were confirmed. In this study, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used to achieve the results and SPSS and AMOS software for confirmatory factor analysis. The results showed that the dominant pattern among the Iranian diaspora living in British Columbia is a pattern of Integration/Adaptation. Also, the attitude, behavior patterns and habits of the immigrant affect their choice of lifestyle.
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