Sociological Explanation of the Factors Affecting the Type of Divorce among Female Clients of the Comprehensive Welfare Family Care Center in Kerman City
Kamal Javanmard
ali reza asanatkhah
1 - Assistant Professor of Sociology Department. Quds city unit. Islamic Azad university. Tehran. Iran
2 - Assistant Professor of the Department of Social Sciences. Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University of Kerman. Iran
Keywords: marital satisfaction, socio-cultural factors, Type of Divorce, Couples' Awareness,
Abstract :
Today, divorce is considered as one of the most important social harms. In this research, an attempt has been made to identify the cultural and social factors that are effective on the type of divorce among women who refer to the welfare counseling center, using the factor analysis technique; Also, the relationship between the research variables and the type of divorce should be studied. The research method is a survey type using interviews and questionnaires And the statistical population of this study is made up of 347 female clients of Kerman Comprehensive Family Welfare Center who visited this center in 2021, who were selected by available sampling method. Data analysis was done using spss26 software. In the factor analysis, six factors have been discovered as factors affecting the type of divorce in women, including: age differences of couples at the time of marriage, housing conditions, cultural and educational differences, marriage history and sexual satisfaction, parental satisfaction before marriage, and history of drug use. and alcohol in the wife. The extraction results show that The first reason for couples' divorce is their age difference and their previous marriage history; The second factor is the housing situation of the couple with the type of housing ownership (property, rental, mortgage); The third factor, cultural differences and education levels of couples at the time of marriage; The fourth factor is their previous marriage history and the level of satisfaction of the wife in sexual relations; The fifth factor, the satisfaction of the parents of both parties (man and woman) before their marriage and the history of drug and alcohol consumption in the spouse, has been the sixth factor affecting divorce.
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