Discourse Analysys of Holy Defense Painting
nayere mobinipour
Mohammadreza Sharifzadeh
mohammadali khabari
1 - PhD Student in Analytical and Comparative Studies of Islamic Art, Faculty of Arts, Islamic Azad University, Tehran Center Branch
2 - Associate Professor of Art research, Faculty of Art, Islamic Azad University Centeral Tehran Branch,Iran
3 - Assistant Professor and Faculty member of jahad University
Keywords: Discourse, Resistance, Revolution, painting of war, painting of holy defense,
Abstract :
Having a profound effect on the process of the formation of post-war currents, the painting of war has emerged in a particular discourse context. In this paper, both text and context are studied. Due to the exceptional subject matter and ability of Laclau and Chantal Mouffe’s theory of discourse in explaining all socio-political phenomena, this theory has been considered as a theoretical framework and the paintings of holy defense and their representations of war and the production of new discourse have been discussed. Since paintings are an important source of representation of the state of war, a number of artists' works during the holy defense were subsequently analyzed by discourse and read text and context through selected samples of war and postwar paintings. The war and post-war paintings constitute this research data, and several samples are selected from. The selection was based on discourse analysis and textual analysis and purposive sampling was used to choose the statistical society. The following research indicates that the concepts of guardianship, martyrdom, martyr, defense, resistance, jihad, etc. in Iranian culture mixed with Islamic culture have been considered sacred in the war and reestablished by discourse. Referring to these concepts and elements, the mythical symbols in the images, reestablishing of the concept “holy”, and the central signification of some of the key artists’ works in these two periods became apparent in this research. The discourse of the revolution painting is encountered with that of war under the influence of socio-political factors and the shift of relations’ power with fundamental changes in the way in which the war is represented
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