Effect of B spraying on yield and physiological traits of wheat underwaterdeficit stress (Triticum aestivum L.)
Subject Areas :Mohammad Reza Moeinian 1 , Kaveh Zarghari 2 , Javad Hasanpoor 3
1 - M.Sc of Agronomy, Department of Agriculture, Islamic Azad University, Varamin Branch, Varamin, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor of Agronomy, Department of Agriculture, Islamic Azad University, Varamin Branch, Varamin, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor. of varamin Agricultural Research Center, Varamin, Iran.
Keywords: Drought stress, yield, Chlorophyll, Wheat, B spraying, Prolin,
Abstract :
An experiment was conducted in order to evaluate the effects of B spraying and drought stress on water relations of wheat, in varamin agricultural research center in 2009-10. A split-plot layout within randomized complete block design with three replications were used. Main plots were three irrigation treatments (normal irrigation , non-irrigation at 50% stem elongation stage and non-irrigation at 50% flowering stage ) and sub plots were three levels of B spraying ( spraying with pure water, B spraying with 0.5% concentration and B spraying with 1% concentration ). The result showed that, the highest amount of grain yield was belonged to normal irrigation + B spraying with 1% concentration treatment (5632.5 kg/hac). This treatment had 53.9% yield increasing comparing with non-irrigation + spraying with pure water treatment (2591.4 kg/hac). Prolin percentage affected significantly with irrigation and B spraying treatments,. The highest and the lowest amount of Prolin was belong to non-irrigation at 50% flowering stage+ B spraying with 1% concentration treatment (1/01 Mg/g.fw) and normal irrigation + spraying with pure water (0/803 Mg/g.fw), respectively. Irrigation effects on cell membrane stability and chlorophyll content of leaves was affected but the effect was not affected B spraying, RWC affected significantly with irrigation and B spraying treatments, normal irrigation + B spraying with 1% concentration treatment had the highest amount of RWC (94%) and the lowest amount of RWC was belong to non-irrigation at 50% stem elongation stage + spraying with pure water treatment (56%)