Assessing the economic, social and psychological factors in designing the home business model of rural women in the Guilan province with sustainable development approach
Subject Areas : Agricultural Extension and Education ResearchّFarideh Noorani 1 , Seyed Jamal Farajollah Hosseini 2 , Maryam Omidi Najafabadi 3
1 - Department of Agricultural Economics, Extension and Education
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Extension and Education, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Associate professor, Department of Economic , Agricultural Extension and Education, Science and Research Branch ,Islamic Azad University, Tehran ,Iran, P.O.BOX:14515/775, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: home-based businesses, business model, rural women, Guilan province, sustainable development,
Abstract :
This research aimed to design a home-based business model for rural women in Guilan province using the sustainable development approach. The research is qualitative-quantitative in the general approach, applied in the objective, and survey in data collection. The statistical population was composed of two broad groups. The first group included academic professors, scholars, and the managers and experts of provincial organizations and institutions related to employment and women. The second group included 274 owners, managers, and member women of micro-credit funds in Guilan province sampled purposefully by the snowball technique. Data were collected by semi-structured interviews. The partial least squares (PLS) technique was used as an advanced multivariate method for structural equation modeling in the Smart-PLS software package. The assessment of the home-based business development model for rural women based on the coefficients of direct path showed that the social (β = 0.232), economic (β = 0.274), variables influenced the sustainable development of home-based businesses significantly (P < 0.05).Furthermore, the model designed for the sustainable development of home-based businesses could account for 71 percent of the variance in the dependent variable
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