Applying Defamiliarization in Surah Yusuf
Subject Areas : Quarterly Sabzevaran Fadak
fatemeh gooshehneshin
Seyedeh Narges Qazavi
Maryam Shafiee Taban
1 - Assistant Professor of Payame Noor University in Arabic Literature, Tehran, Iran
2 - Graduated with a doctorate in Arabic language and literature
3 - Assistant Professor of Payame Noor University in Persian Language and Literature, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Holy Quran, defamiliarization, Surah Yusuf, literary,
Abstract :
Defamiliarization is one of the aspects of the resurrection of words based on linguistics and one of the theories of new literary criticism that was proposed in the framework of the school of Russian formalism in 1917. the phenomenon of deviation from norms is regarded as an essential issue in the aesthetics of literary texts. The reason lies in the fact that it enhances the literary style, thereby increasing its aesthetic appeal and captivating the readers' attention towards various texts. The holy Qur'an, being the most superior text, has always been the focal point for scholars. The use of deviation from the norm in distinct verses has caused readers to pay more attention to its external structure. This led the writers to scrutinize Surah Yusuf through a breaking norm lens. The present article employs a descriptive-analytical method and refers to library sources to examine the literary deviation from the norm in the Surah of Yusuf. The most significant achievement of this research is that deviation from the norm in Surah Yusuf in the permissible category, simile, metaphor, and irony, which are the four techniques of the science of expression, has shown itself and made the apparent structure of this Surah stand out and also made its meaning more concrete for the reader. In this literary survey, the use of literary defamiliarization and its aspects in Surah Mubarake Yusuf has been discussed with a descriptive-analytical method in order to reveal the aesthetic structure and meaning of this surah.
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