Presenting a model of reducing gender inequality in sports from a sociological perspective based on the grounded theory
Subject Areas :
Marzieh Movafagh
Parisa Niazy
1 - University professor
2 - Ph.D. sport Management Islamic Azad University Isfahan branch
Keywords: management, sports management, gender inequality, inequality,
Abstract :
Purpose: The purpose of this research is to present a model of reducing gender inequality in sports from a sociological perspective based on grounded theory. Methodology: Participants include professors psychological educational sciences, senior managers of physical education departments of universities and managers and experts of the General Directorate of Physical Education and all experienced people. in the field of sports management that were chosen purposefully. Purposeful sampling and snowball sampling technique. To analyze the data, open, axial and selective coding was used. Findings: The coding process in the form of 6 dimensions of the paradigmatic model includes: causal factors such as meritocracy, central categories such as creating self-confidence in women, strategies such as reviewing the assignment of responsibilities at all levels of management, background characteristics such as the role of the pen and the media. , the intervening conditions were like the basic demands of women and the consequences were like increasing the health of the society. Conclusion: In general, the results of this research showed that the selection criteria for management positions in sports organizations are not fair due to cultural and individual reasons. In this regard, Iran's sports management should pay more attention to reforming the patriarchal culture that dominates the society and the role of the pen and increasing the efficiency of the institutions in charge of sports so that more effective steps can be taken in order to reduce gender inequality.
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