A Comparative Analysis of Online, Semi-Online, and Offline E-Learning Models versus In-Person Education: A Case Study
Subject Areas : Multimedia Processing, Communications Systems, Intelligent Systems
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, Shahrekord University, Shahrekord, Iran
Keywords: Virtual education, Online education, in-person education, educational models, efficiency of educational models,
Abstract :
Introduction: In recent years, online education has gained significant attention from schools and universities, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. Although online education has been implemented in various forms, such as online, semi-online, or offline models, its effectiveness compared to in-person education remains a key question.
Method: The present study aimed to compare the efficiency of three different online education models with the in-person model. The study employed three different online models and compared them with the in-person model in a public university.
Results: The results showed that while professors believed that the in-person model was more efficient than the online models, students had different opinions on this issue. The study also revealed that students and professors from different faculties had varying views on the effectiveness of the employed models. Therefore, it is difficult to make a general judgment about the efficiency of educational models. However, in general, the study suggests that the efficiency of online models is lower than that of the in-person model.
Discussion: It is important to note that online education offers several benefits, such as flexibility and accessibility. Therefore, it is crucial to continue exploring ways to improve the effectiveness of online education models to ensure that they can provide quality education to students.
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