Understanding Online Store Service Quality Antecedents and Their Impact on Customer Satisfaction and Behavioral Intentions in Iran
Subject Areas : Marketing
Seyed Mojtaba Moussavi Neghabi
Morteza Anoosheh
Masoud Qorbankhani
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Keywords: Online Store, Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, behavioral intention,
Abstract :
The proliferation of online stores in Iran has surged in recent years, yet a notable proportion of these ventures falter shortly after inception. Among the myriad challenges confronting Iranian online retailers, the discontinuity in customer purchases stands out prominently. To address this issue, this study delves into the influence of online store service quality antecedents, specifically perceived risk, service convenience, and website design, on both customer satisfaction and behavioral intentions. Data collection entailed administering a questionnaire, and the research model underwent scrutiny via structural equation modeling (SEM). Results indicate a significant positive association between website design and the quality of online store services. Moreover, service convenience and the quality of online store services emerged as robust determinants of customer satisfaction. Satisfaction, in turn, exhibited a substantial positive impact on customer behavioral intentions. Conversely, perceived risk exerted a negative and significant influence on the quality of online store services. Notably, the effects of service convenience on service quality and the impact of service quality on customer behavioral intentions were statistically insignificant at the 95% confidence level. However, the mediating variable of satisfaction significantly mediated the relationship between online store service quality and customer behavioral intentions.
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