Investigating the allelopathic effects of Beta vulgaris plant on the germination and growth traits of Amaranthus retroflexus and Portulaca oleraceae
Subject Areas : Weed Research Journal
Alireza Dadkhah
Reza Rezvani
1 - Professor, Department of Plant Production and Genetic, Shirvan Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bojnord, Bojnord, Iran
2 - Lecturer, Department of Plant Production and Genetic, Shirvan Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bojnord, Bojnord, Iran
Keywords: Allelopathy, Growth characteristics, Herbicide, Seed germination, Chlorophyll,
Abstract :
Two factorial experiments were carried out in different conditions, laboratory and greenhouse, based on a completely randomized design and randomized complete block design with three replications, respectively, to investigate the effect of aqueous extract of aerial organs of Beta vulgaris on growth traits and germination of Amaranthus retroflexus and Portulaca oleracea. The first factor was plant species including: Amaranthus retroflexus and Portulaca oleracea, the second factor was leaf aqueous extract of Beta vulgaris plant in three levels (zero (control), 10 and 20% of leaf extract. The results showed that with increasing extract concentration, the germination, growth traits and total chlorophyll of two investigated plants significantly decreased. The 20% concentration of aqueous extract of Beta vulgaris decreased the germination percentage and germination rate of Amaranthous retroflexus by 75.3% and 80.2% and 48.6 and 65.4% for Portulaca oleracea, respectively. The concentration of 20% aqueous extract of sugar beet decreased the stemlet and rootlet of Amaranthus seedling by 92.7 and 96%. However, the stemlet and rootlet of Portulaca seedlings decreased by 48.2 and 79%, respectively, compared to the control. Also, 20% concentration of sugar beet extract had highest inhibition on dry weight of Amaranthus (96%) and Portulaca (78%) compared to control. The results of experiment showed that Amaranthus plants were more sensitive to aqueous extract of sugar beet than Portulaca. In fact, allelopathy could be cheaper, easier and friendly to environment strategy that can be considered for weeds control. Although, more studies are needed for definitive recommendation of this strategy.
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