Explaining the Basics and Principles of the Aesthetic Philosophy of the Āshūrá Uprising and Its Implications for Aesthetic Education
Subject Areas : Quarterly Journal of Research for the Studies of the Ahl al-Bayt
Seyed Hesam Hoseini
Maryam al-Sadat Tabatabaie Hosni
Hatav Saadi
1 - PhD in philosophy of Training and Education, Lecturer, Kurdistan University of Applied Sciences, Iran.
2 - PhD student of Philosophy of Training and Education, Shāhid University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Master's degree in Chemistry-Physics, Teacher of Kurdistan Training and Education, Iran.
Keywords: Aesthetics, Āshūrá, Imam Hussein (as), Aesthetic Education.,
Abstract :
Looking at the scene of the Āshūrá uprising in its entirety, we will see the manifestation of beautiful manifestations of love, knowledge and chivalry among ugliness and cruelty. This research was applied in terms of purpose and in terms of approach, quality and to collect data and to achieve the purpose of the research, three methods of documentary analysis, grounded theory and practical inference were used. The statistical population and sources of research data collection included letters, opponents, articles, works and historical narratives related to the Āshūrá uprising. To collect information, appropriate samples from sources related to the research topic were purposefully selected and to record the data, a receipt form was used and the data obtained during the research were continuously analyzed and interpreted. For this purpose, first, all historical narrations about the Āshūrá event were examined by documentary analysis method, and words that contained aesthetic concepts (53 words) were extracted and recorded in fish-taking forms. Then, the objectives and basics were explained and classified using the data foundation method and thematic coding. In the next step, Frankenna's practical inference method was used to extract the principles and approaches using the obtained goals and principles as a prelude. The ultimate goal of the uprising of Imam Hussein (as) and the event of Āshūrá in the aesthetic dimension is to move in the direction of absolute beauty and godliness. And to achieve this goal, four bases, seven principles, new frontiers of beauty, new explanations of the concept of freedom and enlightenment and awakening of minds and seven educational approaches were inferred.
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