Exploring the Impact of Explicit Instruction of Communication Strategies on Speaking Fluency: A Study on Lower Intermediate Iranian Female EFL Learners
Subject Areas : Applied Linguistics
Afshin Soori
Aliakbar Zamani
1 - Assistant professor, Department of English Language, Larestan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Larestan, Iran
2 - عضو هیأت علمی و مدیر آموزش/ دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد قشم
Keywords: Communication strategies, Speaking fluency, Explicit instruction, EFL learner,
Abstract :
This study aimed to investigate the effect of communication strategies (CSs) on Iranian female EFL learners’ speaking fluency. Secondly, the research attempted to clarify which of the employed CSs have been utilized by Iranian female EFL learners in this study more than other strategies in speaking in English. A quasi-experimental design was employed in this study. Oxford Placement Test (OPT) was used for selecting 50 homogenized female EFL learners from the lower-intermediate levels. After the pre-test interview, all the participants attended the classes for ten sessions to become familiar with CSs. After the classroom treatment, the participants participated in the post-test interview. The findings revealed that the EFL learners’ performance in speaking fluency had been affected by explicit instruction of CSs, and the participants’ speaking fluency had enhanced after the classroom treatment. Furthermore, it was found that the participants of this study used an appeal for help more than other strategies. Further findings showed that Iranian female EFL learners will have the chance to reach a productive and fluent level of speaking by developing their language knowledge, lexical competence, and use of functional methods in classroom settings. The findings suggest that EFL students respond to various CSs differently as they learn L2. Therefore, it is essential for EFL teachers to broaden and update their knowledge as well as try to identify and implement the teaching methods that are more effective and efficient in their classrooms. The findings of the study imply that pedagogical approaches to teaching speaking skill in Iran need special attention. The findings of this study reveal that Iranian EFL learners have different reactions to different CSs through learning L2. Thus, it is vital for EFL teachers to improve and update their knowledge and attempt to distinguish and employ more functional and fruitful strategies in their classrooms.
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