Identifying dimensions and components of sustainable knowledge in the Ministry of Health, Treatment and Medical Education
Subject Areas : title1
moslem safdari
Hossein Kazemi
malike beheshti far
1 - Ph.D. student in public administration, Department of Management, Rafsanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rafsanjan, Iran
2 - Management Faculty, Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan, Iran
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Management, Rafsanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rafsanjan, Iran
Keywords: sustainable knowledge, Ministry of Health, human resources,
Abstract :
The aim of this research was to identify the dimensions and components of sustainable knowledge in the Ministry of Health, Treatment and Medical Education. The current research is a mixed exploratory and qualitative study. which was done by content analysis and coding method. Then 20 experts were selected by snowball sampling method, semi-in-depth interview and data collection tool is protocol-semi-in-depth interview. The statistical population of the research is made up of university professors with fields related to human resource , experts and specialists in the field of human resource management in the Ministry of Health. The results of the analysis of the interviews conducted in the research have been obtained through the process of open and content coding. After examining the open codes and categorizing them, the researcher has categorized the data into 19 components and 6 main dimensions. In the current research, the analysis of the conducted interviews shows that there are many empirical factors that influence the model of sustainable knowledge based on in the Ministry of Health, Treatment and Medical Education, the indicators of individual competence, the index of occupational competence and the index of capacity building have the highest scores. They are in the sustainable knowledge model, as they consider the role of employees and functional tasks as a very influential factor for education. The main goal of this research is to provide practical suggestions to help managers in order to provide a sustainable knowledge model in the Ministry of Health, Treatment and Medical Education.
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