Designing a Model for the Maturity of Decent Work in the Sustainable Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Using Thematic Analysis
Subject Areas : Operations ManagementFatemeh Lashgary 1 , Ebrahim Teimoury 2 , Seyedmohammad Seyedhosseini 3 , Reza Radfar 4
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Keywords: Maturity Model, Decent Work, Supply Chain, Sustainability, Pharmaceutical Industry,
Abstract :
Considering the goals of sustainable development, numerous studies and research have been conducted in the field of supply chain sustainability. While some articles have addressed the social sustainability dimensions of the supply chain, there is a lack of integrated and comprehensive models to assess the performance of these chains in social sustainability dimensions, especially concerning decent work criteria. The present research aims to design a model for the maturity of decent work in the sustainable pharmaceutical supply chain. This research is an applied study from the perspective of objectives and descriptive research methodologically. The research population in the qualitative section consisted of experienced experts in the field of supply chain and decent work, and for this purpose, 15 individuals were selected and interviewed. After designing the initial model, in the qualitative section and initial screening of dimensions and components, 84 concepts remained in the model.
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