The Relationship between Organizational Culture and Organizational Entrepreneurship Considering the Mediating Role of Knowledge Sharing Among Elementary Teachers
Subject Areas :
mehdi moayenikiya
Ramin gharibzadeh
ali aghaei
alireza porghasem
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Keywords: organizational culture, Primary Teachers, Knowledge Sharing, Organizational Entrepreneurship,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between organizational culture and organizational entrepreneurship by considering the role of mediator of knowledge sharing among elementary teachers. The implementation of this research is descriptive (non-experimental) and the research design is a correlation between the structural equation modeling method and the statistical population consists of all primary school teachers in Amlash city (500 people). The sample size is 230 people by the Morgan table. Calculated and selected by sampling. easurement tools consisted of Organizational Culture Questionnaire (Queen & Garter, 1991), Barringer & Bellederen Entrepreneurship Questionnaire (1999) and Knowledge Sharing Questionnaire (Wang et al., 2008). Pearson Correlation and Structural Equation Modeling (LISREL) were used to analyze the data and fit the model with fitness indexes. The most significant findings indicate that there is a positive and significant correlation between organizational culture, organizational entrepreneurship and knowledge sharing. From correlation analysis between exogenous and endogenous variables, it can be concluded that the increase in organizational culture leads to an increase in organizational entrepreneurship scores and knowledge sharing. In addition, the increase in knowledge sharing is accompanied by an increase in organizational entrepreneurship scores. Finally, the model of structural equations shows that knowledge sharing interacts organizational corporate culture with organizational culture. At the end of the application, the recommendations are presented in order to achieve the results.
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