Yemen according to Shahnameh’s account of the revenge campaign led by Shapur, the second
Subject Areas :
Farzin Ghafouri
1 - Assistant Professor, Ancient History of Iran, Faculty member of Cultural Center of Persian Literature
Received: 2022-04-02
Accepted : 2022-07-18
Published : 2022-09-23
Shapour II,
Abstract :
AbstractThe defeat of Narsi in the war with Rome and the early death of his successor, Hormoz the second was the reason behind the Arabs plundering invasion of western and southern part of Iran at a time when Shapour the second was only a child. The Invaders kidnapped a high stature Sassanid princess from a palace in the suburb of Ctesiphon. On one hand Yemen in parallel with Hamavaran is referred to in Shahnameh and in the Sassanid part of Shahnameh it is clearly named Hira and this matter in the reign of Yazdgerd the first is completely evident. On the other hand in the reign of Shapur the second Yemen is also referred to as Hira in Shahnameh while the early historians of the Islamic era such as Tabari and Bala’mi overlooked the circumstances in Hira before and in the midst of the revenge operations of Shapur. In fact according to Shahnameh’s account this operation was directed first towards Hira and then against the Arabs tribes who were behind the attacks. The examination of Namara epitaph and the study of the Roman political events concurrent with shapur’s revenge attack confirms the truthfulness of the Shahnameh’s account.
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