Investigating the impact of mythological narratives on urban resilience
Subject Areas : Tectonostratigraphy
1 - postgraduate student
Keywords: myth, narrative, urban resilience,
Abstract :
Mythological narratives are the outcome of man’s experiences in confrontation with challenges and problems that influenced his life and one such problem is urban resilience. The cities that embedded ancient civilizations owe their resilience mostly to the mythological insights rather than economic, managerial, or engineering mechanisms. The present research is an attempt to explain via descriptive analytic method the connection between mythological narratives with the reconstruction and improvement of the cities making use of mythological theories of Mircea Eliade, Carl Jung, and Gilbert Doran. The results obtained show that mythological narratives invoke more empathy and companionship among majority of people since their archetypal imageries are rooted in the collective unconscious. Considering the fact that there are correlations between urban planning and narration of myths could reinforce the identity of a city and internalize the desire to improve and reconstruct it. Three methods employed by the ancient civilizations to differentiate the sacred space in the city from the outside space and thereby augment the resilience of their cities were as follows: a) constructing a symbolic wall b) performing ceremonial rites c) concordance of symbolic mythological sites with the city all these measures are still effective for better resilience.
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