Indicators of sustainability and how they are reflected in the poems of Ahmad Shamlou and Bashareh Al-Khouri
Subject Areas : Comparative Literature Studies
1 - The member of faculty in Islamic Azad University Borujerd Branch.
Keywords: sustainability literature, adaptation, Ahmad Shamlou, Iran, Beshareh Al-Khouri, Lebanon.,
Abstract :
The following essay aims to analyze the characteristics of sustainability and how they are reflected in the poetry of Ahmad Shamlou (Iranian poet) and Bashareh Al-Khouri (Lebanese poet) with analytical-descriptive method, and in this way, the common and distinctive features of these two writers. Appear to the reader. The findings show: Although Shamlou and Al-Khouri are more than half a century apart from each other and are from two different ethnicities and races; they were influenced by the influence of colonialism (in Lebanon, the influence of the Ottoman Turks and in Iran, and the allied countries) during the First and Second World Wars. And also the rule of the autocratic rulers in both countries calls many stable characteristics in the poem, except that the address and reproach of al-Khouri was to encourage and excite the people of Lebanon as well as all the Arab nations, while the subject of the address includes all the oppressed nations of the world. Is Another thing is that Shamlou's challenge in the fight against internal tyranny in his country is more significant than Beshara's challenge in this regard. Finally: Ahmad Shamlou and Beshareh Al-Khouri - as writers and intellectuals - are the leaders of the literary struggle against colonialism and tyranny and are so-called avant-garde. Although, due to geographical and historical conditions, the concepts of struggle between these two are common, but the examples are somewhat different from each other. Finally, Shamlu's point of view - contrary to Beshareh's - focuses on creating a more transnational (= more modern) ideal society.
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