Analyzing the open organization model in the higher education system (antecedents of the open organization)
Subject Areas : Public Policy In Administration
Maryam Kalvandi
Mohammad Ali Sarlak
مجید ضماهنی
Amirhossein Amirkhani
1 - . Ph. D. Student in Public Management, Ferdowsi University of Department of Management, Payame Noor University
2 - . Professor, Ferdowsi University of Department of Management, Payame Noor University
3 - دانشگاه پیام نور
4 - Associate Professor, Ferdowsi University of Department of Management, Payame Noor University
Keywords: Open organization, open organization model dimensions, higher education system, open organization acceptance, open organization model ,
Abstract :
Objective: current research with goal of designing an open organization model in the higher education system (selected universities of Kurdistan province) Done. Methodology: The current research was done using the mixed method (quantitative-qualitative) as a research method. In terms of practical purpose. The population and statistical sample in the qualitative part of the professors and managers of the selected universities of Kurdistan province were selected through the purposeful method and the snowball technique, and the statistical population in the quantitative part was made up of 204 employees of the selected universities. The research data was collected through a researcher-made questionnaire whose items were compiled from the qualitative data extracted from the first stage of the research. Then, the validation of the model was conducted among the employees of selected universities using SPSS and Liserl software. Conclusion: In this research, components of the open organization designed in the statistical sample of the research were compiled with the components under the titles of open leadership, open employees, open structure, open culture and open technology. Originality: The current research has addressed one of the types of organization model that has been less paid by internal researchers in the establishment of open organization in the university and presented a model about it.
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