Transformations of Family During the COVID-19: A Phenomenological Study in Tehran
Subject Areas : Islamic-Iranian Family Studies Journal
Atefeh Poolaee
سید محسن بنی هاشمی
عاصمه قاسمی
bagher saroukhani
1 - . Ph.D. Student of Cultural Sociology, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, , Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University,Tehran, Iran.
2 - Professor, Faculty of Culture and Communication, Soore University, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University,Tehran, Iran.
4 - Professor, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Phenomenology, Transformations of Family, Qualitative Research, Tehran, COVID-19,
Abstract :
Introduction: The family is the primary setting for the transmission of vocabulary, cultural heritage, and moral values to individuals, and thus, it serves as the initial ground for the formation of meaning. Families are at the forefront of major events and cultural transformations. One of the most significant events of the contemporary era, which affected all aspects of human life, particularly the family unit, was the COVID-19 pandemic. During this time, Iranian families experienced shifts in meaning that differed from those previously shaped over decades. This study aims to investigate changes in the meaning and function of the family during the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: Given the complexity of qualitative analysis on a large scale, this study specifically focuses on Tehran, Iran. The research employed a descriptive phenomenological approach. The sample comprised 17 households selected from various areas across Tehran between 2020 and 2021, using theoretical sampling. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and analyzed using Moustakas’ coding method. Finding: Based on the qualitative analysis, transformations in family structure and function during the pandemic can be categorized as follows: family restructuring (in both dynamic and receptive forms), revealing previously hidden family dynamics, disociation of family members, virtualization of family functions, and reconsideration of family values. Conclusion: The findings indicate that the COVID-19 pandemic led individuals to deeply reconsider the structure, values, and roles within the family. This process, influenced by social distancing, increased use of virtual space, fear of mortality, and the disruption of daily life, resulted in substantial changes to the concept, expectations, and practices of family life. Additionally, it uncovered aspects of family dynamics that had previously been neglected or suppressed.
The main issue of this study is to examine the transformations in the meaning of family during the COVID-19 pandemic and the associated changes. However, as broad qualitative research on a large scale is not feasible, this study specifically focuses on the city of Tehran. This paper employs a descriptive phenomenological method. The sampling for this research was theoretical, involving 17 families selected from various areas of Tehran between 2020 and 2021. Data collection was conducted through semi-structured interviews, and the data were analyzed using the Mustakas coding method.
Based on the qualitative findings of this research, the transformations in the meaning of family during the pandemic can be summarized as follows: family reconstruction, the revelation of hidden aspects of family, alienation within the family, the virtualization of various family dimensions, and the inefficacy of different facets of the family. The results of this study indicate that the COVID-19 pandemic led to profound changes in the concept and structure of family, prompting individuals to reassess their relationships, values, and family roles, thereby shaping a new experience of family life
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