Analytical look at Parvin Etsami's allegorization with words " Fruit"
Subject Areas : Research Allegory in Persian Language and Literaturefazil Abaszadah 1 , fariba imanzadeh 2
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Pars Abad Moghan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Pars Abad Moghan, Iran.
2 - Master's student, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Parsabad Moghan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Parsabad, Iran.
Keywords: Persian poetry, Sazi acting, literature, social criticism, Parvin Etisami,
Abstract :
Abstract: Poets have used various metaphors in their works and have benefited from literary techniques. One of these poets is Parvin Etsami, who has beautiful and effective poems, and sometimes makes the mind of every conscious person think. He has used allegories in his works in an innovative way. This article examines Parvin's allegory using the word "fruit". Its purpose is to analyze the role of the word "fruit" in his poetry and how it is used to convey social concepts and criticisms. The necessity of this research indicates that parables play an important role in better understanding of poetry and literature by the audience and can be used as a tool to convey complex messages. Keshi has addressed social and moral issues and pointed to the criticism of the behavior of his time. Therefore, not only have they added visual and emotional beauty to poetry, but they are also a tool for criticism and education. The analyzes done on Etsami's poems show his mastery of language and the use of parables in an innovative way. From the analysis of his poems, it is clear that fruits are not only They have been used as decorative elements, but also as symbols of revival, transformation and even corruption. Also, the sit-in by using fruits in its parables has effectively conveyed messages about the position of women, social ethics, and the importance of nature. The current research has been carried out using a library method and a descriptive analytical method.
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