Criticism of the View of the Influence of the Limitation of Human Existence Dimensions in the Historicity of the Holy Qur'an
Subject Areas :
Mortaza Jafari Honarmand
Alireza Kamali
Seyed Hassan Mohammadi
1 - Level 4 scholar of the Specialized Center for Modern Islamic Civilization and lecturer at the higher levels of Qom Theological Seminary, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Quranic Sciences and Hadith, Qom University of Islamic Education, Iran.
3 - PhD in teaching of Islamic Studies and lecturer at the University of Tehran, Iran (corresponding author).
Keywords: Man in the Qur'an, Anthropology, Historicity of the Qur'an, Existential Dimensions of Man.,
Abstract :
The problem of this research is about the historicity of the Qur'an and the existential limitation of the Prophet (pbuh). Those who say that the Qur'an is historic, consider the nature and understanding of man to be variable and limited to time and place, and in the case of the Prophet (pbuh), they consider him to be the same as other human beings in all respects, and consider the nature and understanding of the Prophet (pbuh) to be the product of the upbringing and culture of Arab history, and as a result, they consider the Qur'an as the literal word and meaning of the Prophet (pbuh) and do not consider his understanding sacred. Opponents of the historicity of the Qur'an believe that man has the capacity to learn the spirit of revelation and the truth of all names and has a single soul that has the ability to be transtemporal and transhistorical; and this very high scientific and spiritual capacity causes him to surround and control everything. This is certainly true for the Holy Prophet (pbuh); in such a way that all the knowledge of the Prophet (pbuh) is beyond history, and the Holy Qur'an is, in this sense, a heavenly divine Book. The most important achievements of this research are the undocumented reasons for the limitations of human nature; man's divine nature is due to his divine and spiritual dimension - which has the ability to go beyond time and beyond history - and the Prophet’s receiving of the Qur'an with God-sent knowledge.
1. کتاب
قرآن کریم.
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3. سایت
1. ترجمه گفتگوی ابوزید با نشریه "Herder Karrespondanz 2008» قابلدسترس در: www.naser hamed abuzayd. Biogfa
1388.10.82. مجتهد شبستری، محمد، مجموعه مقالات: