Investigating changes in body composition and cardiovascular risk factorsin in obese children by basic gymnastics exercise
Subject Areas : Exercise Physiology and Performance
Sohila Fakhrian Roghani
Allahyar Arabmomeni
1 - Department of Sports Physiology, School of Physical Education & Sports Sciences, Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran.
2 - Facolty of Human Science, Khomeinishahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khomeinishahr/Isfahan, Iran
Keywords: Body composition, Basic gymnastics eexercise, Risk factors, Obese cchildren,
Abstract :
Background: Obesity could be a major wellbeing concern within the world since it is related with numerous maladies. It has been appeared that basic gymnastics exercise viably avoid and treat this issue. In this manner, the shows consider examined the impact of 12 weeks of basic gymnastics exercise on body composition and cardiovascular risk factors in obese children.
Method: In this quasi-experimental research, with a plan pre-test-post-test and a control group, 30 obese children with BMI at or over the 95th percentile and the average age=9.4, were chosen purposefully and were divided into 2 groups (Basic gymnastics exercise, and control) randomly. The exercise protocol was executed for 12 weeks, three times a week, and 45 minutes for each session incrementally. Body composition and lipid profile files were measured in two stages: pre-test and post-test. In arrange to analyze the information, multivariate covariance tests were utilized.
Results: The findings of the research showed that the exercise intervention significantly reduced the fat percentage and BMI in obese children (p≤0.001). Moreover, a significant decrease in total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), and LDL and a significant increase in HDL were observed (p≤0.002).
Conclusion: These results indicate the beneficial effects of basic gymnastics exercise on body composition and cardiovascular risk factors in obese children. Therefore, the use of basic gymnastics exercise is recommended to improve these variables.
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