Comparison of Deficit Irrigation Management in the Method of Alternate Furrow Irrigation, Furrow Irrigation and Tape Drip Irrigation for Potato Crop
Subject Areas : Sustainable production technologiesBijan Haghighati 1 , Atefeh Sayadi shahraki 2
1 - Assistant Professor, Soil and Water Research Department,, Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Shahrekord, IranAhvaz
2 - Soil and Water Research Department,, Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Shahrekord, IranAhvaz
Keywords: Productivity, Application Efficiency, Yield, Deficit Irrigation.,
Abstract :
This research was carried out to study the application of deficit irrigation in the method of alternate furrow irrigation in different stages of potato growth with full irrigation in two methods of furrow and tape drip irrigation in farm condition in the farm land of the Shahrekord region. For this purpose in the spring of 2018, three lands were selected in the vicinity of each other and cultivated with potato (CV Burren). In two pieces of land irrigation management based on deficit irrigation of alternate furrow and tape drip irrigation method and in another piece full irrigation management in furrow irrigation method was conducted. The results showed there was a significant difference between the amount of tubers yield, tubers yield per plant, number of tuber per plant and water amount in the plot compared to the control pieces. The amount of tubers yield in the method of alternate furrow irrigation, tape drip irrigation and furrow irrigation was 58.5, 46.8 and 50.5 ton/ha, respectively. The decrease in water amount in the method of alternate furrow irrigation and tape drip irrigation in comparison to full irrigation management in furrow irrigation method were 25.6 and 42 percent, respectively. Therefore, for optimizing water use, in areas where potatoes are irrigated by surface irrigation, method of alternate furrow irrigation and tape drip irrigation can be one of the ways to fight water scarcity cultivate this product in arid and semi-arid areas.
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