Palestinian EFL Students' Vocabulary Learning Strategies
Subject Areas : Research in English Language Pedagogy
Mohammed Farrah
Ghadeer Darabee
1 - English Department, Faculty of Arts, Hebron University
2 -
Keywords: Vocabulary learning strategies, Language proficiency, Palestinian EFL students,
Abstract :
This study investigated the vocabulary learning strategies employed by Palestinian EFL students at Hebron University, focusing on cognitive, metacognitive, and social strategies. The researchers employed the quantitate approach to achieve the aims of the study. A total of 100 participants were surveyed through a 23-item questionnaire to explore their usage of the various strategies. The results showed that Palestinian EFL students employ a range of strategies, with observable variations in their frequency and efficacy. Cognitive strategies appeared to be highly favored as participants indicated using English words in different contexts and watching English media. Metacognitive strategies like paying attention during English speech and reflection on their language progress appeared to be among the most frequently employed strategies by Palestinian EFL students. Finally, the findings revealed that participants employed social strategies though they favored learning about the culture of English speakers over asking questions or seeking feedback from native speakers. The researchers concluded that participants have high employment for cognitive and metacognitive strategies and moderate to high use of social strategies. The participants’ emphasis on cultural understanding underscores their recognition of the broader context of language use in the process of vocabulary acquisition. Finally, the researchers recommended integrating cultural content into the curriculum and providing more opportunities for participants to interact with native speakers to promote vocabulary acquisition.
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