Examining organ transplantation from the perspective of parties and French law
Subject Areas :
reza kolahkaj
فرج اله براتی
seyedhesamh hosseini
1 - PhD student, Department of Fiqh and Fundamentals of Islamic Law, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Islamic Law, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran (Responsible Author)
3 - Assistant Professor, Fiqh and Fundamentals of Islamic Law Department, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran
Keywords: Member, death, medicine, transplantation, French law, foreigners,
Abstract :
The majority of Shia and Sunni jurists consider organ transplant as absolutely permissible if it depends on the preservation of human life (whether Muslim or infidel), and if the preservation of human life does not depend on it, it is subject to other conditions that are among the jurists. Imamia and Ahl al-Sunni are controversial. However, in American and European countries, including France, organ transplantation is permitted after five tests have been performed to diagnose brain death. In French law, brain death is considered death, and if brain death is confirmed, the use of organs is permitted. Brain-dead bodies are used for organ transplantation. The main question of this research is how organ transplantation is expressed from the point of view of subject law and foreign jurisprudence and French law? The hypothesis that is proposed for the main question of the research is: : It seems that in these different systems, the nature of all Shari'a and legal rulings is the same, and there is a difference between the binding of Muslim and non-Muslim members in unnecessary cases between the parties and French law, and in other cases, there is a special distinction in the field. There is no implementation of the link. The current research is a descriptive analytical method. The collection of information is based on the method of library collection. Quranic verses, authentic Islamic sources, jurisprudential books and hadiths were used to explain the separation of the soul from the body and the issue of death.
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