An Examination of Conjunction and Disjunction in Persian and Arabic: Identifying Commonalities and Contrasts
Subject Areas : مطالعات نقد ادبی
hassan saadatfar
alieh youseffam
alireza baqer
1 - PhD student in the Department of Persian Language and Literature, Islamic Azad UniversityCenteral Tehran Branch.Tehran, Iran
2 - Assistant professor Department of Persian Language and Literature, Central Tehran branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Islamic Azad University Department of Arabic Language and Literature
Keywords: Conjunction, Disjunction, Similarities, Differences,
Abstract :
The study of conjunction and disjunction, a critical area within the science of meanings (ma'ani), is pivotal in the realm of rhetoric. Despite this, it has been somewhat neglected in Persian scholarship. This research endeavor posits that there has been an absence of a thorough comparative analysis of conjunction and disjunction, and it highlights the numerous parallels between the Persian and Arabic rhetorical traditions. The objective is to elucidate the distinctions and resemblances between these two linguistic approaches to conjunction and disjunction, thereby enhancing our comprehension of these concepts in both languages. Employing a comparative-analytical approach, this study is grounded in library-based research. The central inquiry is: What unique features, disparities, and commonalities can be observed in the treatment of conjunction and disjunction in Persian and Arabic? Regarding originality and precedent, it is important to acknowledge the existence of a few works, such as "Ma'alim al-Balagha" and "Durr al-Adab," which have explored comparative themes within the science of meanings across Persian and Arabic. Nevertheless, these works have not encompassed the diverse viewpoints of rhetoricians on a singular subject. Ultimately, this research concludes that the extent of similarities between Persian and Arabic in the context of conjunction and disjunction outweighs their differences.
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