Formation of Social Brand Engagement through User-Generated Content: Meta Synthesis Technique
Subject Areas : Marketing
Zaniyar Ghorbani
Tohfeh Ghobadi Lamuki
Alireza Pir Hayati
Behrooz Bayat
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Keywords: Social Brand, Brand Engagement, Meta-Synthesis, User-generated contents,
Abstract :
Nowadays, social brand engagement is considered as a vital elements and an important issue in marketing and management fields, since it increases the awareness of brand and also its credibility among audiences. In such a way that it creates a credible and meaningful relationship with customers that at last they became the supporters of such brand. Therefore, this study was to review the issue of social brand engagement through user-generated contents using meta-synthesis method during 2010-2024, systematically. This study made use of documentary method to gather data and population consisted of all internal and external related studies in authentic journals. To evaluate the quality of researches, we made use of Critical Appraisal Skills Program (CASP) and to maintain the quality of meta-synthesis, we made use of Kappa index that the Kappa agreement coefficient of the themes was 0.879 indicating the level of good agreement and reliability of the results. Findings showed that 62 codes and 7 themes were identified including “the use of strategies to increase user participation in UGC, the use of user content in UGC in marketing campaigns, harnessing the power of customer testimonials, creating compelling challenges and contests, using and creating a community around the brand, analyzing the impact of UGC and paying attention to the intersection of legal considerations and ethical procedures in the field of UGC campaigns for the formation of social brand engagement” and 2 dimensions have been identified including “the development of the process of using UGC and the internalization of UGC in the formation and increase of social brand engagement”. Therefore, regular disclosing brand-related contents and creating effective communication channels between the firm and customers on social media can lead to social brand engagement.
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