Presenting a New Pilot Protection Plan for Transmission Lines in Green Energy Networks with Renewable Energy Sources Such as Wind Turbines
Subject Areas : Power Engineering
Afshin Hosseini
Reza Eslami
1 - Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Sahand University of Technology, Tabriz, Iran
2 - Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Sahand University of Technology, Tabriz, Iran
Keywords: Transmission lines, Load interference, Distance relay, Wind turbine, Pilot impedance,
Abstract :
Transmission lines play a critical role in power systems as they provide the pathway for transferring the power from the generation to the consumption. The probability of faults occurring in transmission lines, especially in the presence of distributed generations (DGs), is significantly high. Nowadays, the presence of DG sources, in addition to the advantages it has, also causes changes in the behavior of various parts of power systems, including the protection system. These changes include increased short-circuit current levels and incorrect operation of the zone 3 of the distance relay during load interferences. This paper presents a new pilot impedance-based algorithm using positive, negative, and zero sequences components of the phasors of the voltage and the current of the two buses located at the beginning and the end of lines in the presence of wind turbines with a production capacity of 2.5 MW. This algorithm has been tested on the IEEE 39-bus test system in the DIgSILENT software. The said pilot impedance determines the fault detection criteria against all types of faults, the location of faults, load interferences and power swings.
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