Phytoremediation potential of black nightshade in cadmium contaminated soils in hydroponic system
Subject Areas : Agroecology JournalFatemeh Ebrahimi 1 , Amin Baghizadeh 2 , Shahram Pourseyedi 3
1 - Master of Plant Breeding, Graduate University of
Advanced Technology, Kerman, Iran.
2 - Associate professor of Biotechnology Department, Institute of Science and High Technology and Environmental Sciences, Graduate University of Advanced Technology, Kerman, Iran.
3 - Associate professor, College of Agriculture, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran.
Keywords: o oxidative stress, o heavy metal, o hydroponic culture, o hyperaccumulator plants, o bioremediation,
Abstract :
Cadmium is a heavy metal causing oxidative stress in plants. The study objective was to determine phytoremediation potential of black nightshade in cadmium contaminated culture medium. The experiment was carried out under hydroponic conditions with five cadmium chloride concentrations of 0, 100, 200, 400 and 600 mM based on completely randomized design in three replications. Root length, plant height, plant fresh and dry weight, leaf area, cadmium uptake rate and total chlorophyll were recorded. Cadmium application decreased plant dry weight, leaf area and total chlorophyll and increased root length, plant height and cadmium uptake. Cadmium concentrations up to 400 mM caused cadmium uptake increment in plants. Black nightshade kept phytoremediation potential even at 600 mM cadmium concentration. These changes in morph-physiological traits are for cadmium stress management causing survivability of plant against these conditions and black nightshade could be effective in environment hygiene by cadmium accumulation in its tissues. Therefore, black nightshade might be recommended as a cadmium hyper-accumulator plant in industrial cadmium contaminated soils.
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- Arduini I, Godbold DA, Onnis A (1994) Cadmium and copper change root growth and morphology of Pinus pinea and Pinus pinaster seeding. Physiologia Plantrum 92(4): 675-680.
- Baker AJM, McGrath SP, Reeves RD, Smith JAC (2000) Metal hyperaccumulator plants: a review of the ecology and physiology of a biological resource for phytoremediation of metal-polluted soils. In: Terry N, Banuelos G (eds). Phytoremediation of Contaminated Soil and Water. Lewis Publishers: Boca Raton 85-108.
- Baker AJM, Proctor J (1990) The influence of cadmium, copper, lead and zinc on the distribution and evolution of metallophytes in the British Isles. Plant Systematic and Evolution 173(1): 91-108.
- Barcelo J, Poschenrieder C )1999) Plant water relations as effected by heavy metal stress: a review. Journal of Plant Nutrition 13(1): 1-37.
- Chehregani A, Noori M, LariYazdi H (2009) Phytoremediation of heavy-metal-polluted soils: screening for new accumulator plants in Angouran mine (Iran) and evaluation of removal ability. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 72(5): 1349-1353.
- Chen YX, He YF, Lue YM, Yu YL, Lin Q, Wong MH (2003) Physiological mechanism of plant roots exposed to cadmium. Chemospher 50(1): 789-793.
- Clemens S (2001) Molecular mechanisms of plant metal homeostasis and tolerance. Planta 212(4): 475-486.
- Ebbs SD, Lasat M, Brady DJ, Cornish J, Gordon R, Kochian LV (1997) Phytoremediation of cadmium and zinc from a contaminated soil. Journal of Environmental Quality 26(1): 1424-1430.
- Fediuk E, Erdi L (2002) Physiological and biochemical aspects of cadmium toxicity and protective mechanisms induced in Phragmites australis and Typha latifolia. Journal of Plant Physiology 159(3): 265-271.
- Haag Kerwer A, Schafer HJ, Heiss S, Walter C, Rausch T (1999) Cadmium exposure in Brassica juncea causes a decline in transpiration rate and leaf expansion without effect on photosynthesis. Journal of Experimental Botany 50(341): 1827-1835.
- Lagrifoul A, Mocquot B, Mench M, Vangronsveld J (1998) Cadmium toxicity effects on growth, mineral contents, and activities of stress related enzymes in young maize plants (Zea mays). Plant and Soil 200(1): 241-250.
- Nouri J, Khorasani N, Lorestani B, Karami M, Hassani AH, Yousefi N (2009) Accumulation of heavy metals in soil and uptake by plant species with phytoremediation potential. Environmental Earth Sciences 59(2): 315-323.
- Prasad MN (1995) Cadmium toxicity and tolerance in vascular plants. Environment and Experimental Botany 35(4): 525-545.
- Rastmanesh F, Moore F, Keshavarzi B (2010) Speciation and phytoavailability of heavy metals in contaminated soils in Sarcheshmeh area, Kerman province, Iran. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination Toxicology 85(5): 515-519.
- Reeves RD, Kruckeberg AR, Adiguzel N, Kramer U (2001) Studies on the flora of serpentine and other metalliferous areas of western Turkey. South African Journal of Science 97(1): 513-517.
- Robinson BH, Mills TM, Petit D, Fung LE, Green SR, Clothier BE (2000) Natural and induced cadmium-accumulation in poplar and willow: implications for phytoremediation. Plant and Soil 227(1): 301-306.
- SanitdiToppi R, Gabbrielli R (1999) Response to cadmium in higher plants. Environmental and Experimental Botany 41(2): 105-130.
- Schickler H, Caspi H (1999) Response of antioxidative enzymes to nickel and cadmium stress in hyperaccumulator plants of the genus Alyssum. Physiologia Plantarum 105(1): 39-44.
- Shaw BP (1995) Effects of mercury and cadmium on the activities of antioxidative enzymes in the seedlings of Phaseolus aureus. Biologia Plantarum 37: 587-596.
- Vasssilev AI, Yordanov T (1995) Effect of cadmium stress on growth and photosynthesis of young barley (H. vulgar L.). Bulgarian Journal of Plant Physiology 21(4): 12-21.
- Watson L, Dallwitz MJ (1992 onwards) The families of flowering plants: descriptions, illustrations, identification, and information retrieval. Available on-line as <> on 13 March 2017.