A review of automatic web service discovery and selection methods in service-oriented architecture
Subject Areas : Information Technology in Engineering Design (ITED) Journal
hanieh hosseini
Esmaeil Kheirkhah
1 - Department of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Mashhad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran
2 - Department of Computer Engineering, Mashhad branch, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran
Keywords: Service-Oriented Architecture, Service Dicovery, Service Selection, Web Service,
Abstract :
This article examines various approaches to automatic discovery of web services. The article first discusses the concept of service discovery and its importance in the development and deployment of software systems. Service discovery, as the process of identifying and analyzing new services in the internet, plays a vital role in improving system performance and quality. Despite existing advancements, this process still faces challenges such as compatibility with dynamic environments, increasing accuracy, and reducing costs. The article then introduces four main approaches to automatic service discovery. The semantics-based approach focuses on analyzing semantic data and connections between services, leading to a deeper understanding and increased precision. The optimization-based approach uses optimization algorithms to find optimal solutions and improve efficiency and costs. The social Internet of Things approach focuses on using interaction and collaboration between devices to discover services. The machine learning approach utilizes advanced machine learning techniques for analyzing data and discovering services. Ultimately, the article states that the machine learning approach is identified as the most important current approach for automatic service discovery, and the future research direction in this area may include developing algorithms based on deep learning and combining them with semantic approaches.
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