Evaluated Nano Fertilizer on Wheat Crops Under Salinity Stress
Subject Areas : Plant Physiology
Raghad Sabbar Abbas
Leila Zarandi-Miandoab
Ayyad W. Al-Shahwany
Nader Chaparzadeh
1 - Department of Biology, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University (ASMU), IRAN
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Keywords: Nano-fertilizer, wheat, salt stress,
Abstract :
Wheat is a staple food and is consumed by more than 36% of the world's population as a protein and carbohydrate source globally. Nano-fertilizers represent a breakthrough in agricultural technology, offering promising opportunities to enhance crop productivity and mitigate negative environmental impacts. Utilizing nanoparticles to deliver essential nutrients to plants can improve nutrient use efficiency, as they can provide a more targeted and controlled release of nutrients compared to conventional fertilizers. Wheat, as one of the world's most important staple crops, plays a vital role in global food security. However, wheat cultivation often faces various challenges, one of which is salt stress. Salinity is a major environmental stress factor affecting the growth, development, and productivity of crops worldwide, including wheat. It impacts the physiology and biochemistry of plants, leading to nutrient imbalances, osmotic stress, and ion toxicity, which collectively reduce crop yield. Over the last decade, researchers have started to investigate the potential of nano-fertilizers in enhancing the resilience of wheat and other crops under salt stress conditions. Studies have demonstrated that certain nano-fertilizers can improve plant tolerance to salinity stress by enhancing nutrient availability, promoting water retention, and modulating the plant's physiological responses to stress. This review summarizes the information that is currently available on the usage of NFs worldwide, showing their promise for sustaining crop output in an environmentally benign way. It also highlights the encouraging results of using nano-fertilizers' impact on wheat under salt stress and the optimal strategies for their application.
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