Measuring social participation in the development of the tourism industry and its application in urban planning literature (Case Study: Sari City)
Subject Areas : political sociology
seyed Hassan Rasouli
Haniyeh Yazarloo
Javad Pouriani
Saba Khamsei
1 - Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Ph.D. Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Zahedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zahedan, Iran
3 - Instructor and faculty member of art and architecture, Payam Nour University, Tehran, Iran
4 - Master's student, Urban Management, Tehran Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: social participation, Collaborative urban planning, tourism, sustainable development, Sari,
Abstract :
Today, tourism can be considered a tool for increasing national income for developing countries. It is worth noting that tourism can also be one of the effective factors in achieving sustainable development. One of the most important fundamental pillars of sustainable development is the proper execution of work and the cooperation and participation of the host community. Experience has shown that without the collaboration, support, and participation of the local community, it is impossible to establish a sustainable tourism industry. Among the factors that play a significant role in achieving sustainable development is the level of social capital present among people, which is now utilized alongside human, financial, and economic capital. Social capital refers to the ties and connections among members of a network as a valuable resource that creates norms and mutual trust, leading to the realization of members' goals. Social life revolves around participation with one another, and the importance of participation in social relations and connections is such that it can be considered an essential element of social life, fostering cooperation and interaction in various dimensions. This article views tourism as a service-oriented and human-centered industry, where the constructive role of people in its expansion and development is deemed significant. The results and findings of the research indicate that the perspective on people in the tourism industry should shift from a consumer-oriented view to a producer and supplier perspective. Furthermore, people should engage in decision-making and policy-making processes in the development of the tourism industry so that they feel obligated to participate in implementation and tackle potential problems and obstacles. Therefore, considering the various elements and factors influencing the development of the tourism industry, proposed solutions have been offered to enhance social and public participation as a central axis and indicator of development.
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