The Narrative Of The Collapse Of A City The Urban Changes Of The Present Era In Kerman
Subject Areas : Sociology, social sciences and economicsHojat Golchin 1 , Mohsen Keshavrz 2
1 - Assistant Professor Department of Restoration of Historical Buildings.Faculty of Art and Architecture. Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman
2 - Assistant Professor Department of Restoration of Historical Buildings. Faculty of Art and Architecture. Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman
Keywords: Kerman, urban landscape Road exposure, Old aerial photos, A vulgar model of development,
Abstract :
The assaults caused by the wrong model of development and lack of proper management are more or less evident in many cities of Iran. However, perhaps no city can be found that has been affected by these factors as much as Kerman. The onslaught of encroachments caused by the most vulgar form of development has changed the nature of this city, which was once considered as one of the historical cities of Iran, which is practically irreparable. Meanwhile, this bitter reality is not only not seriously reflected, but the gradual reduction of the city to a collection or a few special works, has left a large part of the public opinion and even the cultural elites still in the illusion of a historical city. This article seeks to explain and present the process of urban changes in Kerman in the last century in a comprehensive and documented way, from the inevitable changes caused by the requirements of the modern era, to the continuous and increasing deterioration of the last decades. This path has been investigated based on the historical sequence of photographic documents and aerial photos, in four periods of time, the documentation and developments of each period, with a comparative comparison of the aforementioned documents. In the end, the result of this study is revealed in the form of a documented process of the complete collapse of a city in a way that it can be pointed out as a bitter and at the same time dangerous experience to the practitioners and policy makers in the field of urban management
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