Identification and prioritization of criteria affecting the selection of investment projects (Case study: Iran Clay Industry Company)
Subject Areas : Operation Management
ghaffar Tari
reza soleymani
1 - Assistant professor, Marand branch, Islamic Azad University, Marand, Iran
2 - M.A of MBA, Marand Branch,Islamic Azad University, Marand,Iran
Keywords: Investment projects, organizational factors, technical factors, financial factors, project-oriented factors, Iranian Kaolin Industries Company,
Abstract :
The aim of this research was to identify and prioritize the criteria affecting the selection of investment projects for the Iranian Clay Industries Company. This research was applied, descriptive and field study survey. The statistical population included managers and staff from the accounting, finance, and marketing departments of the clay company. The sample size, based on the hierarchical method, was 20 individuals, and the sampling method used in this study was purposive sampling. In this research, the criteria affecting the selection of investment projects were initially identified based on previous studies, and after being validated by the opinions of professors and experts, the weights of the criteria were determined using the fuzzy hierarchical method, and then they were ranked using the fuzzy TOPSIS method. The results showed that the criteria affecting the selection of investment projects for the Iranian Clay Industries Company included organizational factors, technical factors, financial factors, and project-oriented factors. Additionally, in the evaluation of sub-criteria: timely return on investment ranked first, technical and equipment needs ranked second, revenue and profitability estimation ranked third, financial and operational risks of project execution ranked fourth, and social responsibility compliance ranked fifth.
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