The Comparative Analyisi of Metropolitan Development Indicators with Sustainable Development Approach Research case (Tabriz, Mashhad, Isfahan and Shiraz)
Subject Areas : urban planning
Rasoul Vazifeh shenas
Ebrahim Taghavi
Ali Azar
1 - PhD student in geography and urban planning, Marand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marand, Iran
2 - Assistant professor, Geography and urban planning, Marand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marand, Iran
3 - Geography and urban planning, Marand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Marand, Iran.
Keywords: sustainable development, competitiveness, metropolis, geographic information system (GIS), TOPSIS,
Abstract :
Today, cities are at the forefront of the development battle. Development inequality is one of the recent topics in the culture of planning. This inequlity is the result of multiple factors, which lead to heterogeneous and unbalanced growth of areas. This imbalance in the rate of sustainable development of metropolises is one of the challenges of optimal urban and regional planning in line of the urban and sustainable region. Therefore in planning, the modality of development in multiple indexes and places is one of the important and basic topics. The sustainabe urban development is a comprehensive approach in improving the quality of life to realize social welfare, economic and environmental human settlements. The purpose of this study is to analyze the development indicators of four metropolises (Tabriz, Mashhad, Isfahan and Shiraz).In this analysis 21 different economic and social factors are used based on the statistics of census of populatin in 2016.At first, the indexs were entered into GIS as a basic information method and compared with each other. Then using the AHP model each of the components was weighed, and by using TOPSIS model the four metropolises were ranked in terms of sustainable development indicators. The results of calculating the amount and ranking of metropolises development, using social indexes, shows that in relation with social indexes, among the four metropolises, Mashhad with the score of 0/89 is in first rank and Shiraz with the score of 0/84 in the second rank and Tabriz withe the score of 0/71 in third rank and Isfahan with the score of 0/67 is placed in fourth rank. For ranking in terms of economic indicators 10 sub-indexes are used. The results shows that in terms of economic indexes among the four metropolises, Mashhad with the score of 0/87 is placed in first rank of development, on the contrary, Tabriz with the score of 0/71 is placed in fourth step. Finally the results of the study in terms of combined indexs (economic and social) shows that the city of Mashhad with the score of 0/84 in first rank and Isfahan with the score of 0/66 is in fourth and Shiraz and Tabriz with indexes of 0/79 and 0/69 are placed in second and third steps respectively.
The results of the research show that the paths of sustainable development and competitiveness in metropolises are different from each other, and it is not possible to set and implement a single plan for all cities, but according to the context of each city, the path of development and competitiveness of that city should be determined. It should be defined because today, developing a strategic plan for the development of metropolises is not a choice, but a basic need and requirement.
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