Explaining the position and application of the personality file in Iranian, French and international laws; A look at the position of international human rights
Subject Areas :
maryam soleimani
نغمه فرهود
Seyyed Bassem Mavalizadeh
1 - PhD student, Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Khuzestan Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Criminal Law and Criminology, Andimeshk Branch, Islamic Azad University, Andimeshk, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor, 1- Department of Law, Khuzestan Science and Research Branch, IslamicAzad University, Ahvaz, Iran.2- Department of Law, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran.
Keywords: Personality file, Iranian law, France,
Abstract :
Since the formation of communities, there have been different reactions to the phenomenon of crime. In the past, in the process of defining the punishment, offender’s character was not taken into consideration but only the crime and its consequences. By positivism school, the offender’s character, “this newly emerged in criminal law”, was taken into consideration. Since then, criminal justice was realized not only according to the crime but also with respect to the offender’s character and understanding the circumstances which led to the commission of a criminal act. Since early twentieth century, it was felt the necessity of filing character dossier alongside with the criminal case in order to adopt a response proportional to the offender’s character to achieve refinement and treatment goals and to plan effectively the prevention and recidivism programs. Character dossier which is necessary to reform criminals is a record containing the comments by specialists in psychology, psychiatrist, psychologist and social workers about the criminal’s character in order to be used by the authorities to adjust the punishment to offender’s character. In Criminal Procedure Law 2013, Articles 203 and 286 predicts explicitly the character dossier filed against adults and also children. Obviously, according to changes in the Islamic Penal Code in 2013, some new proposed mechanisms including alternatives to imprisonment, probation, suspension of punishment, postponed sentencing, exemption from punishment all of which require appropriate response to the offender’s character, are not applicable without filing character dossier.
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