Power Divider Design in the Silicon Photonic Integrated Substrate (SPIC) Technology with Purpose of the Signal Transmission Coefficient in the 5G Band Frequency
Subject Areas : Majlesi Journal of Telecommunication DevicesMaryam Bayati 1 , Alireza Ghasemi 2
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2 - Department of Electrical Engineering, Isfahan Branch (Khorasgan), Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran.
Keywords: Power Divider, MEMS, PIC, 5G-Microwave, Silicon,
Abstract :
In research, the signal Power Divider (PD) has been designed with a photonic integrated substrate with the silicon substrate and benefits from MEMS technology in its geometry configuration in the microwave high-frequency bandwidth of 120 to 260 GHz with coverage of signal exchange with telecommunication bulk data in the fifth-generation protocol been done. The proposed has been designed micrometer dimensions with wide microwave bandwidth coverage in the division of bulk data signals, which indicates the use of this model in optical telecommunication devices. Also, it has been used by BCPD, TL, WPD, and PNPTL techniques to create a configuration with a simple geometry in the form of a U-shape and a T-shape connection, each of the branches is isolated in very small dimensions, and impedance matching and creates frequency balance in signal exchange and division; So it has been results obtained from it includes the improvement of the dispersion parameter and also causes its time delay function to have a lower value of the time delay function than the time derivability function to the frequency bandwidth in the sigma function in the differential order, which has been being around 4.3 (ns) in the range of 170GHz has been obtained in the value of -3.1 (dB), and the value of its transmission coefficient is also in the range of -3.0 to -4.98 (dB). The design has been our technique for improving the numerical values of the dispersion parameters and creating a configuration in the simplicity of its geometry in dimensions T=10um, L=315um, and W=400um. The application of the proposed has been used in creating a photonic substrate in signal transmission for high bandwidth microwave in the 5G telecommunication protocol, which is simulated in the ADS software.
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