Exploring the Hidden Benefits and Dual Nature of Electrode Misalignment in Resistance Spot Welding: Unveiling Drawbacks and Advantages Through Isolated Thermal-Induced Stress and Nugget Formation Analysis
Subject Areas :
Mahan Dashti Gohari
Farshid Ahmadi
1 - Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Kashan, Kashan 8731753153, Iran
2 -
Keywords: Resistance Spot Welding, Electrode Misalignment, Nugget Formation, Temperature Distribution, Thermal-Induced Residual Stress,
Abstract :
This study examines the effects of electrode misalignment on key parameters in Resistance Spot Welding (RSW), specifically nugget formation, temperature distribution, and thermal-induced residual stresses. Employing a detailed finite element model in ABAQUS, the research isolates the thermal impacts of misalignment, offering insights into how this often-overlooked factor affects weld quality. Traditionally, electrode misalignment has been regarded as a flaw that compromises weld integrity, resulting in uneven heat distribution, asymmetrical nugget formation, and elevated residual stresses. This study, however, reconsiders this view by investigating both the challenges and potential advantages of misalignment, particularly regarding future RSW machine design. The findings indicate that misalignment in RSW can expand nugget size and bonding area. However, it also introduces risks such as reduced nugget depth and increased residual stresses, which could impact weld durability. These trade-offs, however, can be effectively managed through precise adjustments to welding parameters. This research proposes that misalignment, rather than being purely detrimental, could be strategically utilized in specific applications, guiding the design of future RSW machines to optimize weld quality by harnessing the controlled advantages of misalignment.
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