A reading from Dhahabiyeh with an emphasis on the opinions, opinions and works of Seyyed Abulqasem Raz Shirazi
Subject Areas : فقه و تاریخ تمدّن
1 - تاریخ و تمدن ملل اسلامی،واحد خوی، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، خوی، ایران
Keywords: Sufism, Dhahabiyyah, Shiism, Seyyed Abulqasem Raz Shirazi, opinions and opinions.,
Abstract :
Dhahabiyyah was a Shiite Sufi order that was created by the famous Shaykh al-Mashaikh Karkhi. Karkhi was one of the companions of Imam Reza (a.s.) and he converted from Christianity to Islam by the hand of Imam Reza (a.s.). What Maruf Karkhi had learned as the methods and purpose of conduct reached Seri Soqati, and from him to Sheikh Junaid Baghdadi, etc., and these manners, with their worldview and specific beliefs, formed the basis of a great mystic dynasty and school of thought. Kurds, which became known as the Golden Dynasty in the history of Sufism and mysticism, and continued their activities during many centuries, including during the Qajar and Safavid eras, and played a role in social and political fields.The results of this research show that Dhahabiyyah was one of the active Shiite sects that had thirty-six poles and spread in different historical periods due to its moderate mystical behavior. Especially during the Safavid period and the effort to revive the Sufi style of the Safavid government, it created a special closeness and kinship with the Safavid dynasty. Seyyed Abulqasem Raz Shirazi was also one of the prominent personalities of Dhahabiyyah, who had many works and played a prominent role in popularizing Dhahabiyyeh's opinions and beliefs. The research method in this research is descriptive-analytical and the method of collecting information is library.Kurds, which became known as the Golden Dynasty in the history of Sufism and mysticism, and continued their activities during many centuries, including during the Qajar and Safavid eras, and played a role in social and political fields.The results of this research show that Dhahabiyyah was one of the active Shiite sects that had thirty-six poles and spread in different historical periods due to its moderate mystical behavior. Especially during the Safavid period and the effort to revive the Sufi style of the Safavid government, it created a special closeness and kinship with the Safavid dynasty. Seyyed Abulqasem Raz Shirazi was also one of the prominent personalities of Dhahabiyyah, who had many works and played a prominent role in popularizing Dhahabiyyeh's opinions and beliefs. The research method in this research is descriptive-analytical and the method of collecting information is library.
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