The effect of physical components on the soul of a place and its role in the formation of the spirit of the city and citizens with an emphasis on environmental psychology. Case study: neighborhoods of Rasht city
Subject Areas : Urban planning
Mohammad Moieni
nader zali
Hossein Zabihi
1 - Department of Urban Planning, Emirates Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
2 - Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture and Art, University of Gilan, Rasht, Iran
3 - Department of Urban Planning, Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Spirit of citizens, environmental psychology, spirit of place, Rasht.,
Abstract :
In different regions of the world, urban spaces are elements that consist of physical components with a specific visual appearance. The main purpose of the research is the effect of physical components on the spirit of the place and its role in the formation of the spirit of the city and its citizens, emphasizing environmental psychology in the neighborhoods of Rasht city. The current research method is practical in terms of purpose and according to the method of data collection, it is a descriptive survey. The data required for the research has also been collected using a questionnaire. The statistical population of the research is the citizens of Rasht city and the statistical sample of the research is the residents of the neighborhoods of Rasht city. The sampling method is available because it has been used to collect information from people present in the neighborhoods of Rasht city. AVE was used to confirm the validity of this questionnaire. The reliability of this questionnaire was determined using Cronbach's alpha test, and factor analysis and Pearson's correlation coefficient were used to analyze the data. The T path coefficient test in this research shows that the effect of physical components on increasing the spirit of the place is equal to 0.876, the effect of physical components on the spirit of the city and citizens is equal to 0.305, and the effect of the spirit of the place on the spirit of the city and citizens is equal to 0.426. The results of the research are consistent with previous researches that considered the role of physical factors to be effective in creating the spirit of the place in the environment of urban neighborhoods, but in the present research, by separating the factors that create the spirit of the city and citizens in the environment of the neighborhoods of Rasht city, the role of each one is determined separately. becomes To be able to manage and prioritize the necessary measures in the field of increasing the morale of citizens in the urban environment.
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