Presenting the model of factors affecting corruption in Iran's first league football clubs with a grounded theory approach
Subject Areas : Sociological studies of sports
aida masoumian
masoud naderian Jahromi
Hosain Dast Barhagh
1 - deoaetment of sport management/ Azad University Jahrom
2 - Associate professor/University of Isfahan
3 - PhD, Physical Education and Sport Sciences: Exercise Physiology, Islamic Azad University, Jahrom Branch
Keywords: corruption, economic factors, organizational factors, cultural factors, political factors, football clubs.,
Abstract :
Objective: The purpose of the current research was to provide a model of factors affecting administrative corruption in football clubs with a grounded theory approach
Methodology: This qualitative study was conducted using a grounded theory approach with an exploratory method. Data were collected through a review of the literature and 21 interviews with 18 experts, including sociologists, legal experts, coaches, referees, players, and human resources specialists. The samples were purposefully selected based on experience and expertise, and content analysis was used to extract the components.
Results: The results indicated that the factors influencing corruption in football clubs include personal and character traits with 8 indicators, political factors with 4 indicators, internal club factors with 8 indicators, external club factors with 6 indicators, and cultural factors with 5 indicators.
Conclusion: To reduce corruption in football, it is recommended to establish intelligent and precise performance evaluation systems for clubs, develop comprehensive and up-to-date laws aligned with global developments, identify and promptly punish offenders, and provide continuous training on the ethical code.
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