A comparative study of the weapons of the first half of the first millennium BC in western Iran (case study of Jobji, Arjan, Kalmakareh, Ziviyeh, Kol Tarikeh and Hasanlou IVb)
Subject Areas : Archaeology
Maasumeh Bakhtiari
Bahman Firouzmandi
Mohammad Iqbal Chehri
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Keywords: 1st millennium BC, Manna, Kalmakre, New Ilam, Salah,
Abstract :
The first millennium BC is very important from the point of view of archeology and the study of the cultural developments of the Iranian plateau. In the time range of the first half of the second millennium BC to the first half of the first millennium BC, the simultaneity and closeness in time and place of the New Ilam, Samatore and Manna governments and the geographical area of the western belt of the Iranian plateau has caused that these governments undoubtedly Different artistic, social and political influences have left each other and the works discovered by these regimes have not been devoid of these influences and impressions. In this research, which is a type of descriptive-analytical study and in order to collect its data, reference-field methods were used, to study and compare the metal weapons of these governments and the influence of each of them on the other and that in each The rule of what kind of metals are used and also what aspects and applications of the exposed metals in each of them have been discussed. In this study, the weapons examined in the northwestern areas under the Manna government had differences in terms of shape and form from other areas in the west of Iran at that time. Its kind of metalworking art has had more effects on the type of metalworking of Samatore governments directly and Manna government indirectly.
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