An Analysis of the Role of Citizenship Rights on Social Inclusion in Combating Infectious Diseases and Covid-19 in Iranian Cities (Case Study: Noorabad Mamasani(
Subject Areas :mohammad reza amiri fahlyiani 1 , taha abin 2
1 - دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز
2 - rasht university
Keywords: Citizenship Rights, Futurology, Scenario Planning, Infectious Diseases, Noorabad Mamasani,
Abstract :
Citizenship is an undeniable fundamental right that is essential to human life. And is one of the most important and influential factors in the development and welfare of society and refers to a set of civil, political and social rights that individuals enjoy due to membership in a government and a nation and are protected by law and Is supported. In this study, we aim to identify the key factors affecting the future status of infectious diseases arising from citizenship rights in Iranian cities with a case study of the city of Noorabad, as well as scenario planning. The present study, in terms of applied purpose, has been conducted in terms of survey method at the exploratory level and based on the futures research approach. The present study, by implementing a resilience framework derived from citizenship rights, provides a comprehensive approach to optimizing containment programs and mitigation policies using variables affecting the social resilience of Iranian cities in the face of infectious diseases. Covid 19 presents a case study of the city of Noorabad, Fars with a futuristic approach. Initially, using the Delphi method and a survey of urban and health experts, 32 effective primary variables were identified. Then, with the participation of 35 experts on urban issues, the results were analyzed in Mick Mac software environment. Among these factors, 10 factors were selected as key factors using this software and were used as the basis for developing scenarios. Also, the research findings indicate that among these variables, general and non-transparent citizenship rights, social inequality, lack of physicians Weakness of unity, inflation, high cost of housing, poor vitality, poor support, poverty, social trust are the most important key factors of civil rights on the prevalence of infectious diseases and Covid-19 in Iranian cities with the case study of Noorabad, Fars.
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