Crisis management strategy implementation model Case study: Earthquake crisis in Bahabad County
Subject Areas :Mohammad Amjad 1 , Mehdi Ebrahimi Nejad 2 , Mohammad Mehdi Poursaid 3
1 - PhD Student in Crisis Management, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Faculty of Management and Economics, Shahid Bahonar University Kerman, Kerman, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management and Economics, Shahid Bahonar University Kerman, Kerman, Iran.
Keywords: Earthquake, Model, crisis management, Strategy Implementation, Bahabad County,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study is to identify the variables of crisis management and strategy implementation in order to develop a model for implementing earthquake crisis management strategy in Bahabad city as a high risk area. The type of research is applied and its method descriptive-analytical. The statistical population in the quantitative phase includes 53 people according to the Crisis Management Law of the country approved by the Islamic Consultative Assembly on 2019 and the sample size of 47 people has been calculated based on Morgan table. The research tool is a researcher-made questionnaire that Cronbach's alpha coefficient with 0/803 expresses the desired reliability of the questionnaire. Inferential statistics (correlation coefficient, regression coefficient, multivariate analysis of variance) have been used to analyze quantitative data and data-foundation method in qualitative data. Findings show that the proposed model of strategy implementation with a focus on the components of instrumentation - streamlining and institution building follows the effective implementation of strategies in crisis management. This model, in the pre-crisis phase, it emphasizes instrumentation in order to promote resilience. In times of crisis, it also pays attention to prioritizing actions with streamlining. In the aftermath of the crisis, it also emphasizes institutionalization for accurate assessment of damage and, most importantly, the use of support institutions to rebuild, rehabilitate and reform structures. Accordingly, in the proposed model, the implementation of the crisis management strategy, while emphasizing the institutionalization of the extent of harms by using support institutions - emphasis on the media institution and, most importantly, the use of performance monitoring institutions is carefully evaluated.
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