Explain and analyze the development of urban sustainability based on environmental components: case study of Sanandaj city.
Subject Areas :leila badiee 1 , Bakhtyar ezatpanah 2 , alireza soltani 3
1 - Department of Geography and urban planning, Marand Branch, Islamic azad university, Islamic Azad university, Marand, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor of Department of Geography and urban planning, Marand branch, Islamic azad university, Marand,Iran
3 - Lecturer Department of Urban Development, Tabriz branch, Islamic azad university, Tabriz, Iran
Keywords: Sustainable Development, Sanandaj City, Explanation, Environmental Component, Combined Model (SWOT-AHP),
Abstract :
At the beginning of 21 century it is estimated that nearly half of the world's population lives in urban areas, it means that; the places where most resources are consumed and produce the most waste and contaminants. Sustainable development is a new concept that has been developed since the 1980s through the linkage between different dimensions of development (economic, cultural, political, and social), and special attention to environmental considerations and environmental preservation. Accordingly, sustainable urban development will also lead to sustainable human development, which will help form social capital and create social justice. This research is descriptive-analytic in terms of research method and it has been developed for practical purposes. In this paper, the environmental structure of Sanandaj city has been evaluated and analyzed based on SWOT technique in four stages. The results of the findings based on AHP method showed that, the total score and weight of the internal factor matrix table are 319.0 and in the external factors matrix table is 321/0 that the number is lower than the mean. In fact, the obtain strengths and opportunities are not properly used to overcome weaknesses and threats, and weaknesses dominate the strengths and threats to opportunities. The highest average of urban development sustainability (2.92) and average value of environmental indicators (2.97). Ultimately, some strategies for the development of environmental sustainability in Sanandaj have been introduced. However, integrated environmental management and environmental impact assessment as one of the most important tools for achieving sustainable urban development is considered.
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